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Why I wouldn’t buy a Huawei Matebook X Pro again
Well its a great looking laptop when you see it and the spec reads like an Olympic thoroughbred. Huawei MateBook X Pro, with the Intel Comet Lake Core i7-10510U processor, 16 GB of LPDDR3 RAM, 1 TB of fast SSD … Continue reading
Posted in Laptops
Tagged Huawei Matebook X Pro, Laptops
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Fractional reserve banking V bitcoin
Lets try and light up the argument a bit…. anyone with any thoughts? Money is a medium used for the transfer of goods. The premise is that fractional reserve banking is an unfair system that benefits banks by allowing them … Continue reading
After Mt. Gox, its amazing how casual some of these exchanges still are
Bitcoin Co. Ltd. Thailand – bitcoin operator in Thailand – https://bx.in.th/Its amazing now Isn’t Bitcoin illegal in Thailand? Created: 2017-01-05 20:55:08 Updated : 2017-01-05 21:24:57 Tony Date: 2017-01-05 20:55:08 Website: BX.in.th Message: What if the government suddenly decides to seize … Continue reading
Posted in Bitcoin
This is what you get from Paypal if you mail them saying you don’t understand Italian can they change your language setting to English We need an alternative to these wankers! Gentile Anthony Dawson, grazie per la tua email. Per … Continue reading
What to do with your spare money besides blowing it on nice things :-)
Assuming you have a home and perhaps even a spare one, with money as cheap as it is, it’s not worth paying down mortgages but indeed rather the opposite. If u can find a bank to give you a loan these days you should borrow more! Continue reading
Posted in Money and finance
Tagged bonds, bullion, debt, euro, finance, financing, gold, government, money, printing money, stocks, Swiss franc, us dollar
This does very little for unity or reconciliation however it does clearly reflect the feelings of those on the other side of the red-shirts argument and given that it doesn’t consist of bombing, burning or shooting one could argue … Continue reading
Posted in Bangkok
Tagged Bangkok, protest, red-shirts, reds, Thailand, violence, youtube
Missing features from N1?
A few things I use to love on my Nokia appear to be missing from my N1 if anyone has any ideas how to do these please let me know! When I plug my Nokia via its USB to any … Continue reading
Posted in Mobile Phones